Children see hands,skin,hair and identify different colours sizes using magnifying glass in science corner.

Children making  a   sandwich 

How to Explain how cavities develop to preschoolers : Dental Health

Do an egg experiment to teach about oral hygiene.

This egg experiment is really cool and will teach your kids the effects of coffee and soda on the teeth and how brushing teeth will help clean and protect the teeth. Let kids come to their conclusions as they see the changes on the egg shells! 

I made a worksheet where the children had to sort food  items that are good and bad for our teeth. 

                            good food                  bad food                                                               

Children playing a doctor drama 

                               Measuring Children's Height 



First, we wet our hands down and dipped them into a bowl of glitter. The glitter represents the germs.

                         Cleanliness Song For Children



Taste is the third sense we have focused on so far, and we sure had fun with this one.   Our taste exploration was pretty straight forward.  I put sugar, cocoa powder, salt and lemon slices in dishes for the children to sample. 

            Salt & Sugar Test

The salt and sugar test is a very simple, quick activity to explore how our sense of taste can detect a difference between two things when our other senses cannot.
Give each child about a 1/4 teaspoon (or a couple of pinches) of salt and the same amount of sugar. I like to put these on black paper so children can see the white salt and sugar better than against something white.


Do not tell children they have salt and sugar. Ask them to look at both. Ask, how does the first one look? How does it feel? Ask the same questions about the other. Can they tell a difference between the two? Ask children if they can think of any way to tell the difference between them?
Then have children taste the salt and sugar one by one. The easiest way to do this is for the kids to lick a finger, press it in the salt or sugar and taste. (Each child has their own, and we wash hands first.) Ask them if they can name what they tasted, how it tasted (sweet/salty), and whether they could tell the difference between the two.

Making lemon-lime juice  using lemon. sugar  and water. Children said sweety and saur taste

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